March 2022: Prayers and Reflections for March
Prayers and Reflections for March
How much violence is directed against women! Enough! To hurt a woman is to insult God, who from a woman took on our humanity. He did not do it through an angel; nor did he come directly; he did it through a woman.
Pope Francis ( Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, 1 January 2022)
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Lenten Prayer
God our Father,
Your will is that everyone be saved and no one be lost.
You draw us to yourself by prayer and penance.
Grant that we may so follow Christ in love
That our lives may help others and our weakness never hinder them.
We make this prayer in his name,
Jesus, the Christ, our Lord. Amen.
The Glenstal Book of Prayer
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Saint David • 1 March
‘Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things that you have heard and seen me do. ‘ The phrase ‘Gwnewch y pethau bychain mewn bywyd’ – ‘Do the little things in life’ – is still a well-known maxim in Wales.
From the last sermon of St David (6th Century)
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The Mark of Ashes
When red fire dies
it sinks to ash;
when friendship fades
the heart turns grey.
The blazing sun
burns soil to dust;
rage devours peace,
spitting out ice.
The seething sea
breaks rocks to sand;
so bitter words
crush fragile dreams.
Ash daubed foreheads signal
dreams reborn,
hurts forgiven,
peace restored,
hearts rewired,
warmed horizons.
Bernie Moloney, Cashel & Emly
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A Prayer for Christian Fathers
Heavenly Father,
you entrusted your Son Jesus,
the child of Mary,
to the care of Joseph, an earthly father.
Bless all fathers
as they care for their families.
Give them strength and wisdom,
tenderness and patience;
support them in the work they have to do,
protecting those who look to them,
as we look to you for love and salvation,
through Jesus Christ our rock and defender. Amen.
Author Unknown (Solemnity St Joseph, Husband of the BVM, 19 March)
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For A Mother
Your voice learning to soothe
Your new child
Was the first home-sound
We heard before we could see
Your young eyes
Gazing on us
Was the first mirror
Where we glimpsed
What to be seen
Could mean
Formed from the depths beneath your heart,
You know us from the inside out,
No deeds or seas or others
Could ever erase that.
John O’Donohue Benedictus (Mother’s Day, 27 March 2022)
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Lenten Wishes
May Lenten days of lengthening light
Enlighten heart and mind
Fasting made by choice
Make us ever kind
Thoughtful each of other
If one has nought in store
For those who hunger
Those who thirst
Showing love and care
Hungering for friendship
Longing to be free
Help within relationship
We share in every need
We journey through
To Easter time
The Feast of Risen Life
With renewing outlook
Moving us to hope
Love shared among us
From wells that don’t run dry
Word and Meal and
Sacrifice with gratitude
To survive
Rose Moran RSM ‘From Dawn Through Dark’ (Lapwing Publications)
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