July/August 2024: Prayers and Reflections

Prayers and Reflections

The Pope’s Monthly Intention

July: For the pastoral care of the sick: We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer on those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.

August: For political leaders: We pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human develolpment and for the common good, especially caring for the poor and those who have lost their jobs.

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Prayer For Safe Holiday Travel

Loving Lord, as we prepare to leave for our journey, we pray for travelling mercies over land and sea, and place ourselves under your protective care. Be with us as we set out for our holiday, and we ask that you would keep us safe every step of the way, as we journey to our destination. Go ahead of our route we pray, and we ask that you would prevent any unnecessary hindrances or delays on our travel arrangements. Guard us from the evil one we pray, and stand guard over our home while we are away.

Father, into You hands we commend ourselves and place our lives, our journey and our home into your safe keeping. This we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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The Praises of Mary, Feast of the Assumption of the BVM   15 August

O how wondrous is the dignity of the glorious Virgin!
She merited to become the mother of Him
who is the strength and beauty of the angels
and the grandeur of all the saints.

Mary was the seat of our sanctification,
that is to say,
the dwelling place of the Son
who sacrificed Himself for us.

‘And I shall glorify the place where my feet have stood.’
The feet of the Saviour signify his human nature.
The place where the feet of the Saviour stood
was the Blessed Mary,
who gave him his human nature.

Today the Lord glorifies that place,
since He has exalted Mary
above the choirs of the angels.
That is to say,
the Blessed Virgin,
who was the dwelling of the Saviour,
has been assumed bodily into heaven.


Saint Anthony of Padua

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Falling in love with God St Ignatius of Loyola • Feast 31 July

Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is than falling in love in an absolute, final way.
What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.
It will decided what will get you out of bed in the mornings, what you will do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends.
What you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with love and gratitude.
Fall, in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.

Joseph Whelan SJ
from Sacred Space the Companion (Messenger Publications, 2024)

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Prayer to SS Joachim and Anne, Parents of the BVM • 26 July

Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us Ss Joachim and Anne as examples of holiness. Help us to imitate the devotion to You they showed throughout their sufferings of infertility. 
Ss Joachim and Anne, you were eager to live out your vocation as a married couple fully. You longed for a child but suffered from infertility for many years. Despite this suffering, you continued to serve God faithfully. 
Please continue to bring my petitions before the throne of God!
God saw your sufferings, and He heard your prayers for a child. He answered your prayers after many years, and you became the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Pray for me, that I may never grow discouraged when I face sufferings. Pray that I may remain faithful no matter what difficulties or trials I might face.
Ss Joachim and Anne, pray for us!


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St Benedict, Abbot and Patron of Europe • Feast 11 July

6 inspiring quotes from the ‘Father of Western Monasticism’

    1) ‘The first degree of humility is prompt obedience.’

2) ‘The sleepy like to make excuses.’

3) ‘Be careful to be gentle, lest in removing the rust, you break the whole instrument.’

4) ‘Run while you have the light of life, lest the darkness of death overtake you.’

5) ‘Prayer ought to be short and pure, unless it be prolonged by the inspiration of Divine grace.’

6) ‘Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ, for He is going to say, ‘I came as a guest, and you received Me’ (Matt. 25:35).’


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