April 2019: Prayers and Reflections
Pope Francis’ Intention for April
For doctors and their humanitarian collaborators in war
zones, who risk their lives to save the lives of others.
Intercessions for the Elect, Fifth Sunday of Lent
That faith may strengthen them against worldly deceits of every kind…
That they may always thank God, who has chosen to rescue them from the ignorance of eternal life and to set them on the way of salvation…
That the example and prayers of catechumens who have shed their blood for Christ may encourage these elect in their hope of eternal life…
That they may all have a horror of sin, which distorts life…
That those who are saddened by the death of family or friends may find comfort in Christ…
That we too at Easter may again be confirmed in our hope of rising to life with Christ…
That the whole world, which God has created in love, may flower in faith and charity and so receive new life…
From the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, The Third Scrutiny
Let us Live the Triduum
Let us prepare to live the Holy Triduum intensely, in order to share ever more deeply in the Mystery of Christ. We are accompanied in this itinerary by the Blessed Virgin who silently followed her Son Jesus to Calvary, taking part with deep sorrow in his sacrifice and thus cooperating in the mystery of the Redemption and becoming Mother of all believers. Together with her we shall enter the Upper Room, we shall remain at the foot of the Cross, we shall watch in spirit beside the dead Christ, waiting with hope for the dawn of the radiant day of the Resurrection.
Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, 8.4.2009.
The Easter Vigil
We enter a dark church with just the light of the Easter candle. Gradually the light from the Easter candle spreads throughout the church and in the light of our candles the Easter hymn of praise is sung. That dramatic entrance rite before the Liturgy of the Word is fitting on a night when we celebrate a drama of momentous proportions. Tonight, we are celebrating God’s drama in raising his Son from the dead on that first Easter morning. We are here tonight because we feel that we have all been caught up into that drama. What God did on that first Easter morning has touched all of our lives.
Fr Martin Hogan, Journeying with Luke.
Reflections on the Sunday Gospel Readings for Year C (Veritas, 2018)
Easter Sunday Morning
If Jesus had not been raised from the dead, his life and work would have been a glorious, but nonetheless tragic, failure. Without Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, what he began would have petered out. The resurrection was God’s resounding ‘yes’ to all that Jesus said and did, to all that he lived and died for.
Fr Martin Hogan, ibid.